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ibex earth, sustainability, sustainability consultants, sustainability consultancy, csr consultancy, csr, gree square mile, sustainable cities, creating sustainable cities, local authority sustainability

Creating Sustainable Cities is an Ibex Earth initiative that sets out to make our urban environments more sustainable by delivering innovative solutions to common challenges faced by the UK’s cities and towns.

We act as a trusted intermediary between the public, private, third and academic sectors to run the Creating Sustainable Cities Network, which helps to identify and implement solutions and innovations that create healthier, more vibrant and sustainable urban landscapes across the UK and address issues around future energy supply, air quality and climate change. 

Our work centres around 15 local authority partners that would like to enhance their capacity and understanding of how to deliver a ‘sustainable city’ and we centre our work around six key focus areas: energy; sustainable travel; urban greening; health and well-being; financing solutions; and driving innovation.


The initiative runs a series of events and publications that are designed to bring this network together and establish an excellent peer-to-peer learning platform. We disseminate and share best practice to all 353 local authorities in England via our Journal ‘Creating Sustainable Cities', which you can sign up to via our website our where you can download issue one. 

Our events include an annual national conference; seminars and themed round-table events, whilst we intend to develop an extensive knowledge exchange programme for our growing network to share exciting new technologies, services and urban innovations. We are delighted to announce that our second annual conference will take place on Tuesday 28th November 2017 at Europe House, Westminster.

We'd love you to become a part of this. Find out more by visiting the Creating Sustainable Cities website or email to arrange a time to speak with us. 


instigating long-term, sustainable

change for our planet.

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